
Reduce your AWS costs with our billing service

Billing-as-a-Service (BaaS) is essentially the outsourcing of all aspects of managing the costs of your AWS account. We manage this essential function on your behalf, often resulting in reduced costs and improved services.


EU AWS Icons 2022-08

Gain valuable insights into AWS cost and usage data

EU AWS Icons 2022-11

Break free from the internal cost related to AWS cost management and visibility

“Billing-as-a-Service (BaaS) from EPI-USE has saved us a considerable amount of time, costs and hassle. They have given us excellent advice and guidance. We particularly like the user-friendly reports so we can see our AWS usage at a glance, and keep on top of our expenditure.”

Robin Szabo, CEO Szabo Associates

Already doing a migration?

Once the migration has been completed, cost optimization will be one of the first things we will review. Included in the migration proposal, BaaS provides monthly AWS billing reports, quarterly cost optimization recommendations, and 30-day payment terms for your AWS spend. It is considered a month-to-month contract, and can be cancelled at any time with a 60-day notice period and off-boarding.


BaaS from EPI-USE includes:

Cost optimization and right-sizing recommendations

  • Continuous monitoring of AWS costs and daily spend with analysis on savings improvements

  • In-depth analysis of service usage charges

  • Recommendations on reservations and savings plans, based on the cost and usage trends

  • Investigating resource usage and providing recommendations on right-sizing resources that come as key cost drivers

Personalized billing reports

  • Customized reports highlighting major cost drivers based on client requirements

  • Forecasting of future service consumption and expenditures, based on recent trends

  • Reports featuring cost comparisons and usage patterns

  • Quarterly auditing to analyze the cost and billing data

Monthly and quarterly cost reporting

  • Cost reports issued every month, which include a cost breakdown for top spending services

  • Cost data visualizations in the form of tables and graphs that are easy to follow

  • Cost breakdown based on services, accounts, and organizational units

  • Quarterly cost reports featuring month-over-month cost comparisons for AWS services

Ad-hoc technical assistance (Optional paid service)

  • Technical consultation for a fixed period (hours/month) determined by the business volume

  • Added advantage of being assisted by our highly skilled technical team

  • Ideas and recommendations to help improve your AWS Cloud applications

Flexible contract terms

  • You are not subjected to any long-term commitments

  • You are able to terminate at any time

Cost and billing assistance

  • Assistance with cost and billing-related inquiries, with a turnaround time of 24 hours.

Cost dashboards (Optional paid service)

  • Live dashboards with a range of visualizations and tables offering real-time AWS cost and usage data, which can be accessed 24x7

  • Wide range of filters and controls to enable high-level cost visualizations in a way that makes sense for your organization

  • Separate tabs which offer granular data of the cost and usage associated with services, grouped into product categories, such as compute, storage, database, monitoring

  • Cost and usage data based on amortization and forecasts

  • In-depth analysis of costs associated with tags, data transfer, reserved instances and savings plans.

Cost monitoring and optimization

  • Continuous monitoring of AWS costs and daily spending with analysis of savings improvements

  • Evaluating resource utilization and providing recommendations to right-size overprovisioned resources

  • Analysis of the on-demand AWS resource usage, to provide useful recommendations on reservations/savings plan purchases to save costs

  • Configuring custom budgets based on accounts/services/tags as per client requirements

  • Setting up custom cost monitors to evaluate spend patterns for specific resources as well as generating alerts in the event an anomaly is detected

Contact us to see if Billing-as-a-Service would reduce your AWS fees