Managed Support

Improve your infrastructure's flexibility, scalability, and reliability

As an Advanced AWS Partner, EPI-USE Services for AWS can offer a broad range of consulting services relating to the AWS Cloud.


Who is supporting your AWS environment?

After a client goes live with AWS, they still need to support the environment. EPI-USE Services for AWS has the team, tools, and automated systems to support enterprises’ AWS environments. Typical pain points include:


Picture 1

Who carries the pager? Who is on call 24-7, after hours, and over weekends to deal with infrastructure alerts, including system down issues?

Picture 2

Client: “I don’t want to burden my highly-paid and skilled developers with support issues.”

Picture 3

Who takes care of disaster recovery, patch management, and log monitoring?

Picture 4

With AWS, you only pay for the services you use – the challenge is knowing which services you’re using and the associated costs.

Managed Support from EPI-USE Services for AWS

Our services include:

Business Continuity Management
Incident Management
Ongoing Cloud Cost Optimization
Monthly Quarterly Reporting
Devops Practice
Well Architected Reviews
Security and Compliance
OS Patching
24/7 Support
ITIL Compliance
Change Management
Monitoring Compliance

Get reliable and professional support for your AWS environment